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We are Siblings Together

We provide a range of high energy, recreational, creative & educational activities for siblings separated by care.  Building stronger siblings family bonds & learning new skills together, creates the best foundations for the future.  Creating positive happy memories together makes all the difference!.

MONTHLY ACTIVITY DAYS For Siblings: 'Sib-links'

Now in our 12th year we have been running  regular monthly activity days for brothers and sisters who reside in care & adoption.  They can expect to get together regularly at one of our centres in North or South or South London to partake in a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities.  Facilitated by an experienced highly skilled Social worker /Youth worker.  Supported by fully supervised trained volunteers, all holding current DBS checks & Child protection training 

Residential Siblings Activity Camps: 'Sib-Space'

An opportunity for siblings to share an Activity adventure holiday together, at one of our chosen amazing residential centres. These based in held in the countryside, calm natural environment's, which, have plenty of woodlands streams and lush green fields to play in. 

Children totally enjoy being surrounded by the natural environment; forests, mountains, streams, far far away from city life!. 


Trying out a wide range of activities such as  team games, long treks and picnic's, kayaking,  coasteering, assault courses. Attending creative arts, or performance groups and workshops.  Creating their memory books & scrapbooking,  building up their photo albums, horse riding, surfing, climbing, bushcraft, den-building singing dancing.

We have a fancy dress special movie night, with popcorn, and end of week party, where we celebrate family birthdays they have missed during the year. Tears and laughter and a fun end of week celebration.

Young People arrive usually Sunday afternoon for introductions with the whole camps and their siblings camp mentors and a wholesome evening meal.

Good healthy food is important for all our children we ensure they have a complete healthy choice.

Catering for most diets at the centres.


*Social media/phones are not brought to camp, or can be safely locked away in our office for their journey home.

Siblings Buddying: Sib-Links

Working closely with partners such as local children's services to ensure brothers and sisters manage to get the opportunity to spend positive time together.

We carried out a positive 3 year Pilot study prior to the pandemic. This was fully evaluated by Oxford University Reese Centre. 

We are looking forward to building upon this programme in the near future. It is a natural development linked to our Monthly Activity Days for siblings, in care and Adoption.

We are always seeking/ recruiting new and dedicated volunteers for our projects. You can make a huge positive impact upon the lives of young people in care, creating valuable supportive positive relationships into the future.



A programme of creative workshops and activities for those leaving care or care experienced adults, to develop a safe place to explore creativity, build positive networks and relationships, identity and life choices.  A place to pause and reflect.

Children Embracing in Circle

Please complete our confidential Referral form 

Making a Referral for any of our  Sibling Camps or Monthly Sibling Activity Days, Siblings Buddying. 

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